Whittier Walks

Explore the historic and scenic beauty of Whittier, Alaska with our experienced walking tour guides! On our environmentally conscious guided tours, you’ll experience the diverse local scenery, get a taste for the area’s rich culture and history, and receive an up close and personal view of the most picturesque spots in Whittier. Whether you’re exploring solo or with a group of friends or family, we’ve got the perfect walking tour to fit your plans and interests. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to experience Whittier like never before–like a local, with locals.

That’s right! We are some of the proud few that call Whittier our permanent home. Our knowledge of Whittier is personal, entertaining, and interesting–leaving you to understand why it’s been dubbed “The Gateway to Prince William Sound,” “The City Under One Roof,” and “The Weirdest Town in America!”


Website: WhittierWalks.com

Phone: (907) 887-3896

Operating Schedule: Year-Round

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